kingdom queen Coaching

About Angela



 I discovered feminine energy 2 years ago, and started applying the things I was learning. I saw many changes and started telling my friends and family members about it.  

Some were amazed and others had no interest.

I remember telling a friend about feminine energy and she told me all the challenges she was facing, I gave her some tools and within two weeks her husband changed for the better, for example; he slept alone for one year while she slept with her baby on the other bed and there was no real intimacy 

Within two weeks, they became close and started sleeping on the same bed. 

She was very happy. From this moment, I started calling myself a coach in the making. 

What have I learned that can help you? 

When I started applying the tools  I was learning about how to be in my feminine.

I realized that there are so many things I was doing wrong. 

Deep down I did not love myself and I was trying to find love outside of me, I was looking to someone to make me feel happy and loved. 

But the truth is no one can make me happy or love me more than I love myself. The happiness and the love I give myself, is what is reflected back to me. 

So I started to love myself more and putting my feelings first before anyone.

This really helped me to rediscover myself and it’s a good feeling .

 In the past I used to accept things that did not feel good to me, now I don’t do that anymore. And I keep improving myself.

How YOU are suffering, and how I can help…

If you are facing many challenges in your life or love life, You are in safe hands.

I will show you the exact method I used to get where I’m now. And it will help you believe in yourself and make the necessary changes.

Making smart decisions

The words you will always hear are the ones you tell yourself. I’m not good enough, who can love me, I’m nothing, she is better than me. 

These are negative thoughts that will keep you stuck. So how do you shift from negative thoughts to positive ones, you start to flip them. 

Whenever I’m not good enough pops in your head, flip it to I'm good enough repeat this and it starts to reprogram your mind and in no time, it becomes natural and you start to feel confident.

I lost everything.

If I got my life back and headed myself onto a new life, a new direction, I can help you do the same.

I can help you feel high-value, finally.

I can help you let go of obsessive thoughts and always analyzing things that have already happened.

Everything is one step forward, and I know the secrets to allowing yourself to go forward into the life you want.

Please write me here with your questions and situation, and I’ll get back to you quickly with real, Lion Queen answers!